Online entry /Online registration , Entry form competition Uzhgorod 20-21.07.2024                      CACx2, Specialty (rank CAC) hunting breeds

    unt.: july 12,  2024,  23:00 CET 

Online registration form >>>

Information about the dog (name, age, sex of the dog, a class) in the ONLINE FORM,

responsible owner (or whoever registers the dog) 

All letters with questions only e-mail: 

Attention ! Only online registration !

  Please, ALL fields must be filled in only english letters

Replacement dogs and transfers from class to class is not accepted!  Registration is not coming back! 

Other entry information
 You must enclose: For entry in Champion or working Class prof of entitlement otherwise the dog in question shall be automatically entered int he Open Class.
Only those dogs are admitted for which a breed standard has been accepted by the FCI and which are registered in a stud book or register recognized by the FCI and have completed the minimum age or three months ont he day before the show.

 Show classes   Please choose the right class for dogs!


класс БЭБИ   с 3-6 месяцев       BABY class  3-6 month
класс ЩЕНКОВ   с 6-9 месяцев     PUPPY class  6-9 month
класс ЮНИОРОВ   с 9-18 месяцев  JUNIOR class  9-18 month
класс ИНТЕРМЕДИА   с 15-24 месяцев  INTERMEDIA class 15-24 month
класс ОТКРЫТЫЙ    с 15 месяцев  OPEN class  15 month
класс РАБОЧИЙ     с 15 месяцев  WORK class from 15 month
класс ЧЕМПИОНОВ   с 15 месяцев  CHAMPION class from 15 month
класс ВЕТЕРАНОВ   с 8 лет  VETERAN class from 8 years 
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