Awarding of the titles in Ukraine 2021

Application form (titles)
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Issuing the Certificates in Ukraine

Application + copy of  pedigree of your dog + copy of the dog’s Champion Certificate of the owner’s country of legal residence + Diploms and title certifikates 

 30 Euro with a bank transfer >>>      

 set for the Championship, please send to 

Awarding of the titles in Ukraine 

New Champion title and rulles 

   Ukrainian Baby Winner     Ukrainian Puppy Winner 

 The title "BABY Champion of Ukraine" - Ukrainian Baby Winner

or Awarded upon receipt of:

3 x "Best BABY of Breed" awarded at any Dog Show of the rank of CAC NATIONAL exhibitions

Or  "Best BABY of EXHIBITIONS" 1st place at BIS baby, awarded at any Dog Show of the rank of CAC NATIONAL exhibitions  

The title of "Puppy Champion of Ukraine" - Ukrainian Puppy Winner

Awarded upon receipt of:

3 x "Best PUPPY of Breed" awarded at any Dog Show of the rank CAC /NATIONAL exhibitions

Or  "Best PUPPY of EXHIBITIONS" 1st place at BIS puppy, awarded at any Dog Show of the rank CAC  NATIONAL exhibitions 


The "JUNIOR CHAMPION OF UKRAINE" title is awarded :

3 х JСАС - awarded at any Dog Show of the rank CAC / NATIONAL exhibitions


- 2 x JСАС - awarded at any Dog Show of the rank CAC/ NATIONAL exhibitions and the certificate of the Junior Champion of the dog owner's native country To obtain the 

"Young Champion of Ukraine" certificate by citizens of FCI member countries with which the agreement "On mutual recognition of titles" has been concluded.


The citizens of Azerbaijan,  Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Monte Negro, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic  provide:

or - 2 x JСАС - awarded at any CAC Dog Show in Ukraine and the certificate of the Junior Champion of the dog owner's native country.


2 x R.Junior САС=1 Junior САС obtained at the exhibition of the same rank, rank CAC (for example: 2 x R.JСАС is equal to = 1 JCAC , only from exhibitions (rank of САС) 



 The "Junior Grand Champion of Ukraine" title is awarded by the same rules as for the "Junior Champion of Ukraine" to the dog which has already received the "Junior Champion of Ukraine" title. 


Awarding of the "CHAMPION OF UKRAINE" title

The "CHAMPION OF UKRAINE" title is awarded if the owner of the dog provides the UKU office with the certificates of:

2 x САС - awarded at any CAC Dog Show in Ukraine and the certificate of the Champion of the dog owner's native country


The citizens of Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova,  Romania, Serbia, Monte Negro, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic  provide:


2 x САС - awarded at any CAC Dog Show in Ukraine and the certificate of the Champion of the dog owner's native country.


6 x CAC awarded at any Dog Show of the rank of CAC NATIONAL exhibitions for a period of at least 1 year and 1 day  (judged by at least 5 different experts). 


4 R.САС from exhibitions of the rank of САС = 1 САС  from an exhibition of the rank of САС

title of Champion of Ukraine, Grand Champion of Ukraine or other titles in the UKU system.



The "CHAMPION OF THE VETERANS OF UKRAINE" title is awarded if the owner of the dog provides the UKU office with the certificates of:

         - 2x "Excellent 1st" from certificate exhibitions of the rank oF CAC and/or CACIB under the  judging of various experts 

- 1x "Excellent 1st time" + issued working certificate (only for dogs of working breeds) 

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